Child with a cold? Discover 7 effective cold remedies for toddlers 

Child with a cold? Discover 7 effective cold remedies for toddlers

When your child catches a cold, it’s only a matter of time before you catch it too — especially when you're spending every minute traipsing after them with tissues, wiping their nose and being their human pillow for cuddles and naps. That’s why you need these cold and cough remedies for kids on hand, to help them feel better quickly, whilst also making sure to protect and pamper yourself—just as you deserve! 

And without further ado, here are our newborn baby cold remedies – and for the tots that’re a bit older, our home remedies for colds in kids. 

1. Hydration

Hydration is universally one of the most important1 adult, toddler and newborn baby cold home remedies. When you’ve got a runny nose and watery eyes, you lose more water. So, whether it’s water, juice, smoothies for yourself, or breast milk for tiny ones, make sure you’re keeping the hydration levels up. If they’re suffering with a sore throat, why not stir in some honey to your little one’s drink? Honey in milk or tea is a great home remedy for cough for kids or adults, as it soothes inflammation in the throat!2

2. Steaming

Steam is a great natural cough remedy for kids or when your baby has a cold2. Running a hot shower or bath with the door closed helps to create steam. This can help open airways and ease symptoms of stuffy noses and chest congestion which leads to excessive coughing. Sit with your little one on your lap in a steamy bathroom for five minutes max.  

Having poorly little ones can make for an even-louder-than-usual home life. And while your love and patience knows no bounds, it’s important to take time for yourself too. Luckily, you can rely on Cushelle’s soft toilet paper with delicately scented core* for a pampering (and peaceful) moment of tranquillity, every time you go.

3. Rest

It’s natural to want to check in on your little one and make sure they’re ok, but rest is one of the most essential natural cold remedies for babies3. That means letting them sleep whenever they need to and getting some rest yourself as well. The Pinterest-worthy lunchboxes can wait, get yourself up to bed for a nap alongside your baby! If you’re concerned about their level of tiredness, check in with your doctor for advice. 

4. Food

Just like drinking enough, eating nutritious food is among the most important home remedies for colds in babies, toddlers and even adults (try to avoid processed, sugary and salty foods). Fruit, veg and other hearty foods like soups make the best home remedies for colds in kids. Pulsing them into a soup will help – and they might not even recognise any disliked veg if it’s in a smooth soup! 

5. Saline drops

When your baby has a cold, a blocked nose is pretty much guaranteed. And when they’re tiny, they don’t have the ability to clear it up themselves. Fortunately, you do! You can add saline drops4 to your list of cold remedies for toddlers. They work by thinning out mucus and easing congestion. And if that doesn’t work, we have some more ways to help blow your baby’s nose! 

6. Heads up

One of the most practical home remedies for colds in babies is to keep your little one’s head elevated. Rather than letting mucus drip down their throat, this helps it drain more effectively. When you and your baby are about to indulge in a midday nap together, remember to prop your baby’s head up a little when they’re sleeping by placing a towel under the head end of the mattress. 

7. Hugs and snugs

The most ‘natural’ of natural cold remedies for babies, and perhaps the simplest, is comfort. Nothing helps more than cuddles. And sure, it may not be a medical-based cough, congestion or baby running-nose home remedy, but it’ll definitely cheer them up and help them rest better. Just be careful not to overdo it if they have a high temperature and need space to cool down.  

There you have it; seven effective home remedies for colds and coughs for babies and toddlers. Now you can nurse your child back to health, while also giving yourself that much-needed break that will ensure you’re at the top of your game as well!  

*To verify claims, please email for full verification details. 


1 Common Cold, NHS
2 Sore Throat, NHS
Looking After A Sick Child, NHS
Colds, coughs and ear infections in children, NHS 

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