Dr Raj Arora, GP

With an extensive academic background in Medical Education from Barts and Royal London Medical School, Dr Raj Arora works within the NHS as a GP. Along with her wealth of medical expertise, Dr Raj prides herself on educating her patients, particularly in regards to women’s health issues. 

In addition to her clinical work, Dr Raj is a co-patron of the Arora Foundation, a charity organisation dedicated to making a positive impact on society in the areas of education, healthcare, and community development. She also established The Facebible – a leading clinic specialising in aesthetics, skin and GP services.   

Dr Raj is frequently featured as a medical expert in various media outlets, where she shares her knowledge to educate women about their health care and overall wellbeing. She is driven by a passion to empower her patients through education and to advocate for women in marginalised communities. 

Professional headshot of Dr Raj Arora, founder and medical director of The Facebible